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Announcing the official release of FreeRTOS CMSIS Packs

In keeping with our philosophy of enabling users to consume our software in the environment of their choice, we are excited to announce the official release of FreeRTOS Long Term Support (LTS) libraries in the Common Microcontroller Software Interface Standard (CMSIS) Pack format. Based on the Arm Cortex processors, CMSIS-Pack defines a standardized way to deliver software components, device parameters, board support information, and code. The FreeRTOS kernel was already available as a CMSIS-Pack; we now provide all FreeRTOS LTS libraries in the CMSIS-Pack format to make them easily accessible to developers in their chosen workflow.

The CMSIS-Packs, based on FreeRTOS LTS version 202012.04, are available from Arm µVision IDE and Keil Studio Cloud, a browser-based IDE for IoT, ML and embedded development. To learn more about the FreeRTOS LTS CMSIS-Packs, visit the Arm Developer website.

About the author

Tanmoy Sen is a Senior Product Manager at Amazon Web Services where he focuses on helping customers and embedded developers connect microcontroller-based devices to the cloud.
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