port pic18f458

Hello everybody, I have one problem.. sorry for my english bat I’m italian. MPLINK 3.40, Linker Error – section ‘.udata_heap_1.o’ can not fit the section. Section ‘.udata_heap_1.o’ length=0x00000404 static struct xRTOS_HEAP {     unsigned portLONG ulDummy;     unsigned portCHAR ucHeap[ portTOTAL_HEAP_SIZE ]; <——- error ?? } xHeap; why? #define portTOTAL_HEAP_SIZE            ( 1024 ) //<———-erore linker?? thanks of all Luca

port pic18f458

ok I modify the 18f458.lkr ACCESSBANK NAME=accessram  START=0x0            END=0x5F DATABANK   NAME=BIG_BLOCK  START=0x60          END=0x5FF DATABANK   NAME=bankedsfr  START=0xF00          END=0xF5F          PROTECTED bat  I have order problem…. undefined DATABANK/SHAREBANK ‘gpr5’ for STACK. thanks of all Luca

port pic18f458

sorry my error STACK SIZE=0x60 RAM=BIG_BLOCK by by