FreeRTOS+TCP: problem with UDP communication

Hi, i´m trying to set up communication per udp between a pc and an embedded control board based on a renesas rx65n. on the embedded control board ( i open an udp socket on port 1230. on pc ( i also open an udp socket on port 1230. if i send udp telegrams from pc to control board, i receive telegrams on control board (see receiveudpfiltered.pcapng). my problem: if i send upd telegrams from control board to pc, i don´t receive telegrams on pc, but telegrams are on wire (see sendudpfiltered.pcapng). on wireshark files i can see one difference between the protocols: * telegrams from control board don´t set the identification field in internet protocol (see ip.png) * telegrams from pc set the identification field, each further telegram increments identification field i don´t know if identification field is the problem, but is there a way to activate this counter? if i use two pc programs i can send and receive telegrams and i can see in wireshark files that identification field is incremented each in both directions. thanks! Best regards

FreeRTOS+TCP: problem with UDP communication


FreeRTOS+TCP: problem with UDP communication

Hi Wolfgang, Are you sure that port 1230 is an available port on your host? Could you try the same with e.g. port 50123 ? Normally, you would use a well-known port number on server-side, and an anonymous port number on the other side, i.e. bind to port 0, which results in a random port number.
i don´t know if identification field is the problem, but is there a way to activate this counter?
This field is kept zero for UDP packets. But if you want to test it, apply the following patch to FreeRTOS_UDP_IP.c, around line 140 : ~~~ /* Save options now, as they will be overwritten by memcpy */ #if( ipconfigDRIVER_INCLUDED_TX_IP_CHECKSUM == 0 ) { ucSocketOptions = pxNetworkBuffer->pucEthernetBuffer[ ipSOCKET_OPTIONS_OFFSET ]; } #endif
         memcpy( ( void *) &( pxUDPPacket->xEthernetHeader.xSourceAddress ), ( void * ) xDefaultPartUDPPacketHeader.ucBytes, sizeof( xDefaultPartUDPPacketHeader ) );
+ + pxIPHeader->usIdentification = FreeRTOS_htons( usPacketIdentifier ); + usPacketIdentifier++;
     #if ipconfigSUPPORT_OUTGOING_PINGS == 1
         if( pxNetworkBuffer->usPort == ipPACKET_CONTAINS_ICMP_DATA )
~~~ Do you use a standard application to receive UDP messages? PS. Where did you get the FreeRTOS+TCP driver for rx65n? Did you write it your self?

FreeRTOS+TCP: problem with UDP communication

Hi Hein, I tried to use different ports and inserted your code for identification-field increment. But the effect is the same, i only can receive in one direction. Attached a wireshark file (sendreceiveudp_filtered): pc ( / 50123) sends udp telegrams to embedded control board ( / 50124), everything okay, i can receive telegrams on embedded board. embedded board ( / 50124) sends udp telegrams to pc ( / 50123), telegrams are on wire (identification field is incrementing now), but on pc receive is not working (timeout, no data is received)?!? I use a labview program on pc to send / receive udp telegrams, in labview i have functions for connect (with bind) / send / receive (with timeout/bytes to read). if i use this labview program on two pcs i can connect/ send / receive in both directions… laptop: / 50124 pc: / 50123 see wireshark file I programed FreeRTOS+TCP drive for rx65n by myself on base of ethernet-driver (rx-ether from renesas fit-modules). if i ping my embedded board if get answers. conlusion: * identification field doesn´t matter * port number doesn´t matter do you have any other ideas? i just have another idea while writing these lines, perhaps i have a problem with virus scanner or firewall? perhaps i have to give access to this port number on my pc to get the udp telegrams? i have to check… thanks for your help Wolfgang Schur

FreeRTOS+TCP: problem with UDP communication

perhaps i have a problem with virus scanner or firewall?
Sounds worth checking that out Do you solve the problem by now?

FreeRTOS+TCP: problem with UDP communication

Hello Hein, unfortunately it´s still not working! Firewall or virus scanner is not the problem. In wireshark file I can see udp telegram is on wire. In case of sendreceivelabviewfiltered.pcapng labview program receives data. In case of sendreceiveupdfiltered.pcapng labview program receives nothing. I checked ARP table in embedded board, there is an entry for embedded board is sending out gratuitous arp for himself ( every 40s. embedded board is answering on ping requests. on pc arp table is also set for What I am wondering: Do you know if wireshark would show an error if UDP-CRC-calculation is false? ipconfigDRIVERINCLUDEDRXIPCHECKSUM is set to (1), but this is only for receiving, not for sending, isn´t it? I disabled the following options: ipconfigUSELLMNR / ipconfigUSENBNS / ipconfigUSEDNS / ipconfigUSEDHCP could this be a problem? Could there be a problem in my rx65-driver? But ping request / ARPs are received on pc? I tried another application on pc: It´s the same, i can send telegrams to my embedded board, but i don´t receive telegrams from my board! If I try this application on an laptop i can send and receive from laptop to pc! thanks for your help best regards Wolfgang

FreeRTOS+TCP: problem with UDP communication

Hi Wolfgang,
What I am wondering: Do you know if wireshark would show an error if UDP-CRC-calculation is false?
PC’s often have a network card that calculates all checksums, while the applications and Wireshark don’t get to see the actual CRC received. This feature is called “checksum offloading”. You can have Wireshark check the checksums: Edit -> Preferences -> Protocols -> IPv4 : set Validate the IPv4 checksum if possible UDP : set Validate the UDP checksum if possible TCP : set Validate the TCP checksum if possible Then go to the settings of your network card and look for the hardware configuration ( not the protocols ). Under Advanced, you can probably disable checksum offloading:
IPv4 Checksum Offload
UDP Checksum Offload (IPv4)
TCP Checksum Offload (IPv4)
or at least do not enable it for the RX path. Once checksum offloading is disabled, you can see the original CRC’s as sent by the embedded device. Now I would be curious to see if the IP and UDP checksumsfrom the device are correct.
ipconfigDRIVERINCLUDEDRXIPCHECKSUM is set to (1), but this is only for receiving, not for sending, isn´t it?
Yes, the RX stands for reception of packets. If you have ipconfigDRIVER_INCLUDED_TX_IP_CHECKSUM (TX) defined as 1, your driver or he MAC peripheral must set all IPv4, UDP, and TCP checksums. If it is defined as 0, the library will set them.
I disabled the following options: ipconfigUSELLMNR / ipconfigUSENBNS / ipconfigUSEDNS / ipconfigUSEDHCP could this be a problem?
That should not be a problem
Could there be a problem in my rx65-driver? But ping request / ARPs are received on pc?
ARP only has checksums at the hardware layer that we don’t see. The checksum for ping is being set in-line.

FreeRTOS+TCP: problem with UDP communication

When you checked the ARP tables at both sides, did you also compare the MAC addresses with the wireshark captures? Do they match?

FreeRTOS+TCP: problem with UDP communication

You said that the embedded board is answering ping requests from the PC. I think in this case the other way is important. Does the PC answer ping requests from the Renesas?

FreeRTOS+TCP: problem with UDP communication

Hi all, sorry, that i didn´t answer so long, I was claimed with other things… @Ken: MAC addresses matches in arp tables @Hein: I did configure network adapter and wireshark to show ‘real’ checksum. And now I see that checksum is not correct! For test I disabled checksum calculation in tcp stack by setting ipconfigDRIVERINCLUDEDTXIPCHECKSUM to 0 (see file includedtxchecksum_0.PNG). Result is that no checksum at all is calculated, that makes sense, okay! If checksum calculation in tcp stack is enabled (as it was before), then I see, that checksum is not correct (see file includedtxchecksum_1.PNG). That could be the reason I don´t receive telegrams on pc, okay, perfect! What could be the problem that chechsum is not correct? By setting ipconfigDRIVERINCLUDEDTXIPCHECKSUM to 1, TCP stack is calculating checksum for IP / UDP. xNetworkInterfaceOutput() function gets the network buffer with including checksum and sends it out, isn´t it? I really would appreciate your help! Thanks Wolfgang

FreeRTOS+TCP: problem with UDP communication

one more thing: It looks like IP checksum is correct, only UDP checksum is not correct? see file includedtxchecksum_1.png Is it so that IP checksum is calculated including all data (that means including the udp datagram)? Why would the outer checksum (IP) be correct, but the inner checksum (UDP) is not correct?

FreeRTOS+TCP: problem with UDP communication

Hi Wolfgang, often checksums appear to be incorrect, but WireShark will warn you that the IP or protocol checksum may be have been “offloaded”. This means that your adapter has already checked the checksum. For some reason, the checksum field gets cluttered and Wireshark will show an error. Could you try the following: Go to the adapter’s settings, go to “Advanced”, and look for “UDP Checksum Offload (IPv4)” Likewise, there is also a setting for “TCP Checksum Offload (IPv4)”

FreeRTOS+TCP: problem with UDP communication

Reading back the above post, I notice that I am repeating my self. Still I’d like to know whether CRC offloading explains the checksum errors that you’re seeing. Can you check that? We’re not aware of any problem with these the checksum routines: ~~~ uint16t usGenerateProtocolChecksum( const uint8t * const pucEthernetBuffer, BaseTypet xOutgoingPacket ); uint16t usGenerateChecksum( uint32t ulSum, const uint8t * pucNextData, size_t uxDataLengthBytes ); ~~~ The only thing I could think of is that your compiler has a different interpretation of the code. That can be investigated with a few tests. Regards,

FreeRTOS+TCP: problem with UDP communication

Hi Hein, I disabled “checksum offload (IPv4)” and “UDP checksum offload (IPv4)” in network adapter. For test I also configured socket option FREERTOSSOUDPCKSUM_OUT for no checksum in UDP telegram. Then I receive UDP telegram on pc! So I think, here we are on the right way! Something is wrong in checksum calculation. Wireshark shows: First telegram calculated checksum: 0x3874 should be (wireshark): 0x6547 Second telegram (one data byte changed) calculated checksum: 0x3873 should be (wireshark): 0x6546 Best regards Wolfgang

FreeRTOS+TCP: problem with UDP communication

Hi Hein and all, thanks a lot for your help, the problem is solved: It was alignement of network buffer. In “NetworkInterface.c” I declare a buffer ucNetworkPackets which was not aligned! Function vNetworkInterfaceAllocateRAMToBuffers delievers this unaligned buffer to the tcp stack and checksum calculation on this memory fails! After aligning buffer ucNetworkPackets in “NetworkInterface.c” communication works (wireshark says no error) and I can receive udp telegrams on pc!!!!! Best regards Wolfgang

FreeRTOS+TCP: problem with UDP communication

Hi Wolfgang, we worked through this by email. I sent you a testing module to test the 2 checksum routines on several Ethernet packets ( see attachment ‘tcpudppackets.c’ ). When running this test, you realised that Ethernet buffers in FreeRTOS+TCP must be aligned in a special way. In the example code, the checksum routines work on this buffer in RAM: ~~~ uint8t ucRAMBuffer[2 + 1500] attribute ((aligned (4))); uint8t *ucContents = ucRAMBuffer + 2; ~~~ The +2 bytes are defined in the library as: ~~~

define ipconfigPACKETFILLERSIZE 2

~~~ They are necessary because an Ethernet header is 14 bytes long. The IP-header starts at ‘ucRAMBuffer + 2 + 14’ = ‘ucRAMBuffer + 16’, which is well-aligned. The IP-header is always a multiple of 4 bytes, so the protocol header is also 4-byte aligned. Thanks for your investigations. Hein

FreeRTOS+TCP: problem with UDP communication

Hi all, attached is my network interface for renesas RX65N and renesas rx-compiler. It´s based on renesas example code and not zero-copying. Memory alignment is done by linker settings, see picture.

FreeRTOS+TCP: problem with UDP communication

Hi Wolfgang, thanks a lot for sharing your RX65N driver for FreeRTOS+TCP! I had a quick look at NetworkInterface.c : it looks good!