NUCLEO-STM32F446RE LED/GPIO example code.
Where can I find a compile/link/run LED/GPIO code example for the NUCLEO-STM32F446RE or NUCLEO-STM32F4xxxx ?
There are examples for other vendors devices but not for this common dev board range.
Many thanks
NUCLEO-STM32F446RE LED/GPIO example code.
We have several examples for STM32 – but cannot provide examples for every dev board and compiler combination. If you were to take a simple blinky configuration from an existing example, and change the GPIO outout for whichever pin the LED is on on your board, you should be good to go. However, probably the easiest thing to do would be to use STM32CubeMX – provided by ST – to generate a FreeRTOS project for that board for you.
NUCLEO-STM32F446RE LED/GPIO example code.
Richard wrote:
probably the easiest thing to do would be to use STM32CubeMX – provided by ST to generate a FreeRTOS project for that board for you.And when that works, you are free replace the FreeRTOS sources in your project with the most recent version