Deasr owners of Free RTOS ,
The PIC32 Community useing mikroC compiler for PIC32 and know also support ARM M3 and M4 devices I would like to ask if there could be in the future or near future a PORT for PIC32 of FreeRTOS for the mikroElektronika PIC32 C compiler
here are the links to the compiler and the community
Best regards
FreeRTOS port for MicroC P32
FreeRTOS port for MicroC P32
The road map for FreeRTOS is extremely crammed, and currently support for this compiler is not on it. That could change, but even if it did the work could not be scheduled for quite some months. In the mean time, if somebody else has a port for this compiler, then I would be grateful if they would add it to the FreeRTOS Interactive site for the community to share.
FreeRTOS port for MicroC P32
Thank you very much for the reply.
This is sad news however not all things in live is possible
This is sad news however not all things in live is possible