V9.0.0rc1 Compile error (RX600 with GCC) when using local storage pointers

Hi, The file FreeRTOS.h contains the following code starting at line 925: ~~~~ #if( configNUMTHREADLOCALSTORAGEPOINTERS > 0 ) void pvDummy15[ configNUMTHREADLOCALSTORAGEPOINTERS ]; #endif ~~~~ This generates an error if configNUMTHREADLOCALSTORAGEPOINTERS!=0, because you declare an array of void. I assume this should be void pointers?

V9.0.0rc1 Compile error (RX600 with GCC) when using local storage pointers

Thanks for taking the time to provide this useful feedback (combination of configSUPPORTSTATICALLOCATION == 1 and configNUMTHREADLOCCALSTORAGEPOINTERS == 0). It has been fixed, but not checked in yet. Regards.