SAM70 call HardFault_Handler() after xSemaphoreGive()

Hallo i use the ATSAME70Q21 and want to use FREERTOS (8.2.3). In my example projekt i have 2 Tasks with a binary semaphore. The first task “task monitor” should notify the second task “task_led”. I have bebugged my code: Program sequence while debugging: 1. xSemaphoreGive() was called in task monitor() and went over. 2. xSemaphoreTake() was called in taskled() and went over. 3. xSemaphoreTake() was called in taskled() and stoped there. 4. xSemaphoreGive() was called in task monitor() went over and called after that the HardFault_Handler(). Can you help me? Tank you for your support. Why was the HardFault_Handler() called? Where ist the problem? Best regards Andre Code:

SAM70 call HardFault_Handler() after xSemaphoreGive()

SAM70 call HardFault_Handler() after xSemaphoreGive()

Progamm see Appendix

SAM70 call HardFault_Handler() after xSemaphoreGive()

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