Critical section used from Interrupts

Hi, I’m working on a project that uses Cortex-M3 microcontroller and FreeRTOS. Recently, I found a bug that causes a crash here: /* *** NOTE ***********************************************************
If you find your application is crashing here then likely causes are:
1) Stack overflow –
2) Incorrect interrupt priority assignment, especially on Cortex M3
   parts where numerically high priority values denote low actual
   interrupt priories, which can seem counter intuitive.  See
3) Calling an API function from within a critical section or when
   the scheduler is suspended.
4) Using a queue or semaphore before it has been initialised or
   before the scheduler has been started (are interrupts firing
   before vTaskStartScheduler() has been called?).
See for more tips.
**********************************************************************/ for( pxIterator = ( xListItem * ) &( pxList->xListEnd ); pxIterator->pxNext->xItemValue <= xValueOfInsertion; pxIterator = pxIterator->pxNext ) I called taskENTER_CRITICAL and taskEXIT_CRITICAL from interrupt handler (irq on highest priority). Is this a general rule, that critical section could not be used from interrupt handlers, or this is true only in Cortex-M3 architecture?
It wasn’t my intention to use critical sections in interrupts, ofcourse, but I wonder why masking interrupts in IRQ handlers could cause a crash. Best regards,

Critical section used from Interrupts

Recently, I found a bug that causes a crash here
I don’t think you have described the bug in your post.  If there is a bug then I would like to know!
Is this a general rule, that critical section could not be used from interrupt handlers, or this is true only in Cortex-M3 architecture?
It is an absolute rule for all architectures.  The rule extends further than just critical sections “no API function that does not end in ‘FromISR’ should be called from an ISR”.  See point 3 on the following page: As it happens, the CM3 port has an interrupt safe alternative.  Look in queue.c to see how the macros portSET_INTERRUPT_MASK_FROM_ISR() and portCLEAR_INTERRUPT_MASK_FROM_ISR() are used. Regards.