lwip and multiple threads

Hello, I’m using the lwip demo on rowley with the at91sam7x and experience that when using multiple threads the webserver dies. Does anyone have the same experince and is this solveable?

lwip and multiple threads

What do you mean by uses multiple threads?  The demo uses multiple tasks which could be considered multiple threads depending on your definition, and that works fine. If you are just wanting to use more tasks then you may just need to increase the heap size.

lwip and multiple threads

Yes that’s true. But that is nog what I mean. I mean requesting the website with multiple threads.

lwip and multiple threads

So you open more than one browser at a time and use each browser to connect to the server? When I first wrote the demo I tested it using two different PC’s.  Each had one Internet Explorer and one FireFox broswer making HTTP requests, plus one (or maybe two?) command prompts pinging large packets – all simultaneously.  I left it to run in this configuration for 30 hours or so. Regards.

lwip and multiple threads

Well if we use opera that gets a page with multiple threads it will crash after a few minutes when using auto refresh. We use a program that makes requests in multiple threds which can be set at the command prompt. with threads >2 it wil crash in 5 to 6 minutes. We use the j-tag debugger to see where the crash occures and that is in tcpip.c: In the case switch (msg->type) it goes to case TCPIP_MSG_INPUT: witch ends op in ip.c in the switch switch (IPH_PROTO(iphdr)) and finaly in the case default. where we get: LWIP_DEBUGF(IP_DEBUG | 2, ("Unsupported transport protocol %"U16_F"n", IPH_PROTO(iphdr))); So somewhere along the transmits get corrupted or so. Anyone seen the same problems?

lwip and multiple threads

Which version of lwIP are you using?  It looks like 1.1.1 is the latest as far as I can see from http://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/lwip.

lwip and multiple threads

It might be worth asking the question on the lwIP users mailing list.  You should get an expert answer there.

lwip and multiple threads

Yes we’ve been posting there to, but maybe sombody here ran into simular problems as we noticed that there are more people developing on the same board and with the same source. We updated to 1.1.1 this was the first comment made by the lwip maillinglist. Maybe there are some modifications we didn’t make don’t know if there need to be