FAT FS: Is there a way to “watch” files?

Hello there, I was wondering if FreeRTOS+FAT includes a file-watching feature, where a callback can be invoked when a given file changes. Thank you.

FAT FS: Is there a way to “watch” files?

Don’t think so.

FAT FS: Is there a way to “watch” files?

Looks like my answer was a bit hasty. Hein points out: There are some helpful hooks, please check-out ‘ffconfigUSENOTIFY’ in ffstdio.h
 typedef enum _EFileAction {
     eFileIsDir = 0x80,
 } eFileAction_t;

 void callFileEvents( const char *apPath, eFileAction_t aAction );

FAT FS: Is there a way to “watch” files?

Oh! That’s fantastic. Thank you!