ATSAMD21G18 and FreeRTOS V8.3.2

Hi I found an Arduino library for the ATSAMD21G18 that uses FreeRTOS V8.3.2 and I cannot find a manual for it on you website. Is it possible for you to send me a copy please so I can experiment on an Adafruit M0 Proto. I see you have a demo version for the ATSAMD20G18 would this also work with the ATSAMD21G18? Regards Mike MJ Chapman

ATSAMD21G18 and FreeRTOS V8.3.2

Attached is the closest I can find. I think there is somebody that maintains an Arduino lib that has a much newer version of FreeRTOS in it though.

ATSAMD21G18 and FreeRTOS V8.3.2

Thanks Richard that will be a good start for me. I will look to see if there is a later library version. At the time this is the only published version found by Arduino IDE library manager but I’ll try again. The Arduino core software for the ATSAMD21G18 uses a combination of a single hardware interrupt and software to manage external peripheral interrupts that can also come from several sources. I’m looking to FreeRTOS to help manage the complexity.