My test collects adc data under 100Hz interrupt (using xQueueSendFromISR ) and the highest priority task unloads the data but the queue only works for a few minutes. I see the interrupt routine still gets executed and another lower priority delay based task is unaffected.
I have changed queue length, task priority, stack size etc read numerous examples and I have stack check enabled, but I’m at a loss when the queue ceases to indicate received after a few thousand correct operations!
Latest FreeRTOS V7.0.1
Copied ISR from PIC24 port demo serial handler
Vindicated hardware, as I substituted the queue with a C based creation based on shared variable with flags, and it ran overnight without issue.
Suggestions for possible/typical reasons or line of experimentation to determine cause?
Thank you for your time and consideration
PIC24 C30 ISR queue failure in minutes
PIC24 C30 ISR queue failure in minutes
Do you have the priority of the ADC interrupt set to configKERNEL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY (the lowest priority)? If not, then set it to configKERNEL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY and give it another try.
See the “RTOS Port Specific Configuration” section on
PIC24 C30 ISR queue failure in minutes
Thanks, it did the trick. Frustrating when you spend extra time to sort out a problem but tiredness limits you.