Error in xIOUtilsConfigureCircularBufferRx()

Is there an Error in xIOUtilsConfigureCircularBufferRx()  (FreeRTOS+IO). I think the line “pxCircularBufferState->xNewDataSemaphore = xSemaphoreCreateCounting( portMAX_DELAY, 0 );” has an error. portMAX_DELAY should be xBufferSize.
Each time a character is received the semaphore is incremented by one. But when the buffer is full, there is no reason to incremented the semaphore anymore.

Error in xIOUtilsConfigureCircularBufferRx()

Sorry for posting this a second time. I had a Problem with my internet browser.

Error in xIOUtilsConfigureCircularBufferRx()

I deleted the duplicate, and will look into your post as soon as possible. Regards.