How long (cycles) is a yield on a Cortex-M0+?

Hi all, We have a strange problem in using a time critial interrupt (samplin input) in conjunction with the freeRTOS. my first question is, how long a yield is, which uses the critical section and disables the global interrupts. So this could be the reason for blocking the interrupt. I would expect, that the yield should not block that long the interupt or i am i something missing? Any ideas are welcome. I have to check, if the RTOS itself is the problem for the issues in our application. Best regards Holle

How long (cycles) is a yield on a Cortex-M0+?

If you are referring to the context switch time then you can find some information for a Cortex-M3 on the link below. An M0 will be a bit slower due to its more limited instruction set. Also unlike an M3, the M0 will globally disable interrupts in a critical section – do you have long critical sections? (taskENTERCRITICAL()/taskEXITCRITICAL)