Catching an exception from within a task

Currently working with CCS v5.1 compiling code for an ARM MCU LM3S1968 Cortex-M3 using tms470, v4.9.1.
For the time being, I am using FreeRTOS v6.0.5. I am programming c++ and compiler options have been set to support “GCC extensions” and “C++ exception handling”. My problem: catching an exception from within a running task when an object is throwing the exception THIS WORKS:
having a try-catch inside my task and explicitly throwing an exception. The exception is caught in the exception handler as expected to. All well!
throw 5;
catch(int& e)
//exception is caught :-)
} THIS DOES NOT WORK (for me):
when an object inside the try-block raises an exception it never gets caught. Myclass my1;
catch(…) //regardless of what I put here
exception is never caught :-(
Can anyone explain why? Is there a workaround? Any help would be highly appreciated

Catching an exception from within a task

Sorry – there is no official CCS5 CM3 port, and C++ is not supported.  All I can do is direct you to the FreeRTOS Interactive site where several people have provided C++ projects and frameworks, to see if there is anything there that can assist you.  You might also be able to search through the support archive as C++ usage is discussed periodically. Regards.