In the Zynq port of FreeRTOS (V8.1.2) the value of portLOWESTUSABLEINTERRUPT_PRIORITY is defined as:
I can’t remember the exact details. The Zynq uses a generic ARM GIC (generic interrupt controller), so the information you need is much more likely to be found in the GIC documentation than the Zynq documentation.
It may be something to do with priority masking. Critical sections uses the ICCPMR (priority mask register) to mask a subset of interrupt, rather than globally disable all interrupts. If you write 0 to the PMR, then all interrupts are masked. If you write 255 to the PMR then you unmask (enable) as many priorities are possible, but 255 will, when you take into account the implemented bits, equate to 31, hence it might be simply that priority 31 can never be enabled…….this might be wrong though so take a look at the documentation.
Ah ha, thanks for the info. I had a quick read of the GIC Spec, it says “The GIC always masks an interrupt that has the largest supported priority field value. This provides an additional means of preventing an interrupt being signalled to any processor.”
They seem to be suggesting it is useful a tool to be able to mask out any individual interrupt, without changing any code, other than the assigned priority. I think I can see the benefit of this.
Cheers, Sam.