STR9 Flash pb, no restart after power cycle

Hi everybody, I have some trouble to program my STR9 with my USB Olimix JTAG and OpenOCD (r717) (dev board : E912 Olimex with STR912F44, JTAG : Olimex ARM-USB-OCD, i boot always from bank 0, bank1 is used for data only) I have no problem for debug, everything works perfectly (including FreeRTOS ;-) If I load an image, i can execute, do a reset and continue to use my device. But when i loose my power supply, the software CAN’T restart. Is somebody who have successfully used OpenOCD – Olimex JTAG to burn a STR912 flash ? Is somebody who have already experienced this kind of events. Is it something wrong in my linker file ? Any idea welcome. Thanks in advance. Damien _HEAPSIZE = 40000; MEMORY {     flash (rx) : ORIGIN = 0x00000000, LENGTH = 512K     ram (rw)   : ORIGIN = 0x04000000, LENGTH = 96K } SECTIONS {     .text :     {         KEEP(*(.vectors))         KEEP(*(.init))         *(.text .text.*)         *(.gnu.linkonce.t.*)         *(.glue_7t .glue_7)         KEEP(*(.fini))         *(.gcc_except_table)     } >flash =0     . = ALIGN(4);     /* .rodata section which is used for read-only data (constants) */     .rodata :     {         *(.rodata .rodata.*)         *(.gnu.linkonce.r.*)     } >flash     . = ALIGN(4);     _etext = .;     PROVIDE (etext = .);     /* .data section which is used for initialized data */     .data : AT (_etext)     {         __data_start = .;         *(.data .data.*)         *(.gnu.linkonce.d.*)         . = ALIGN(4);         *(.fastrun .fastrun.*)     } >ram     . = ALIGN(4);         _edata = .;     PROVIDE (edata = .);     /* .bss section which is used for uninitialized data */     .bss :     {         __bss_start = .;         __bss_start__ = .;         *(.bss .bss.*)         *(.gnu.linkonce.b.*)         *(COMMON)         . = ALIGN(4);     } >ram     . = ALIGN(4);     __bss_end__ = .;         _end = .;     PROVIDE(end = .);         /*     .heap (NOLOAD) :     {         __heap_start__ = .;         _heap_start = .;         *(.heap)         . = MAX(__heap_start__ + _HEAPSIZE , .);     } >ram     __heap_end__     = __heap_start__ + SIZEOF(.heap);     _heap_end         = __heap_start__ + SIZEOF(.heap); */ }     . = ALIGN(32 / 8);     _end = .;     _bss_end__ = . ; __bss_end__ = . ; __end__ = . ;     PROVIDE (end = .);

STR9 Flash pb, no restart after power cycle

Hi Damien, I had the same problem on STR912+Eclipse+OpenOCD. I use the same linker file, but I found that the problem was in the startup file – startup.s. I added the following three code lines just before the _start assembly label: -————————————– .text .arm .section .init, "ax" _start:         ldr     pc, =NextInst NextInst: -————————————- This solve my problem by placing the _start function in the right segment. I hope this should help you. Regards, Stefano

STR9 Flash pb, no restart after power cycle

Hi Stephano, it’s clear, You have completely right…. Thank you very much for this help Regards.