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Jobs Terminology


A job is a set of operations defined for the device to perform. For example, you can define a job that instructs a set of devices to download and install application or firmware updates, reboot, rotate certificates, or perform remote troubleshooting operations.

Job Document

The job document details the operations that will be performed by each device. It is a UTF-8 encoded JSON document that contains all of the information the device needs to perform the job. For example, a job document can contain multiple URLs from which the device can download a firmware update or receive other data. The job document can be stored in an Amazon S3 bucket, or be included inline with the command that creates the job.


A target is a device, or a group of devices, that are required to execute the job. After a list of targets has been defined in the AWS IoT Console, each device is notified that there is a pending job.

Job Execution

A job execution is the performance of the operations defined by the job on a particular device. The device starts its job execution after it has downloaded the job document. It then performs the operations specified in the document, and reports its progress to AWS IoT. Each job execution on each individual device is given a unique identifier, so you can track and manage the progress of a job on all targets.

Snapshot Job

A snapshot job is sent only to the targets you defined when you created the job. If new devices are required to perform the same operation, a new snapshot job must be created for these additional devices. Once all targets have completed the snapshot job (or reported they are unable to do so), it is considered completed.

Continuous job

A continuous job is sent to the targets you defined when you created the job, and also to any devices that are added to a target group later. Continuous Jobs are often used to onboard or upgrade new devices as they are added to the group. You can make a job continuous by setting an optional parameter when you create the job.


You can specify how quickly targets are notified of a pending job execution. This allows you to create a staged rollout to better manage updates, reboots, and other operations across an entire fleet of devices.

The following field can be added to the CreateJob request to specify the maximum number of job targets to inform per minute. This example sets a static rollout rate.

"jobExecutionRolloutConfig": {
        "maximumPerMinute": "integer"

You can also set a variable rollout rate with the exponentialRate field. The following example creates a rollout that has an exponential rate.

"jobExecutionsRolloutConfig": { 
    "exponentialRate": { 
        "baseRatePerMinute": integer,
        "incrementFactor": integer,
        "rateIncreaseCriteria": { 
            "numberOfNotifiedThings": integer, // Set one or the other
            "numberOfSucceededThings": integer // of these two values.
        "maximumPerMinute": integer

For more information about configuring job rollouts, see Job Rollout and Abort Configuration in the AWS IoT Developer Guide.


An Abort is the cancellation of a job rollout based on a set of predefined criteria. For example, you can set a job rollout to be aborted if there are 10 Jobs that fail to execute. The job rollouts can also be aborted if the number of failed jobs matches a set of criteria. The job's abort criteria are set at job creation by using the AbortConfig object. For more information, see Job Rollout and Abort Configuration in the AWS IoT Developer Guide.

Placeholder Links and Presigned URLs

A device may require additional data beyond what is contained in the job document. This data can be placed in an Amazon S3 bucket and a placeholder link provided within the job document. When AWS Jobs begins notifying the target devices, the placeholder link is replaced with a presigned Amazon S3 URL. The presigned URL provides a secure and time-limited location for the device to retrieve additional data (such as a firmware image for a software update).

The placeholder link has the following form:


where bucket is your bucket name and key is the object in the bucket that contains the data.


Job timeouts make it possible to be notified whenever a job execution gets stuck in the IN_PROGRESS state for an unexpectedly long period of time. There are two types of timers: in-progress timers and step timers.

When you create a job, you can set a value for the inProgressTimeoutInMinutes property in the optional TimeoutConfig object. The in-progress timer can't be updated and applies to all job executions for the job. Whenever a job execution remains in the IN_PROGRESS state for longer than this interval, the job execution fails and switches to the terminal TIMED_OUT state. AWS IoT also publishes an MQTT notification.

You can also set a step timer for a device's job execution by setting a value for stepTimeoutInMinutes when you call UpdateJobExecution. The step timer applies only to the specific job execution that you update. You can set a new value for this timer each time you update the job execution. You can also create a step timer when you call StartNextPendingJobExecution. If the job execution remains in the IN_PROGRESS state for longer than the step timer interval, it fails and switches to the terminal TIMED_OUT state. The step timer has no effect on the in-progress timer that you set when you create a job. See the AWS IoT documentation for more information.

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