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New FreeRTOS Long Term Support version released
Simplifying Authenticated Cloud Connectivity for Any Device.
Designing an energy efficient and cloud-connected IoT solution with CoAP.
Introducing FreeRTOS Kernel version 11.0.0:
FreeRTOS Roadmap and Code Contribution process.
NOTE: FreeRTOS 202406.00 LTS libraries are now available in the FreeRTOS-LTS GitHub repository. See What’s New.

FreeRTOS LTS Libraries


FreeRTOS long term support (LTS) releases receive security and critical bug fixes (should any be necessary) for at least two years following their release. That ongoing maintenance enables you to incorporate bug fixes throughout a development and deployment cycle without the costly disruption of updating to a new major version of FreeRTOS libraries. Long term support is provided courtesy of AWS for the benefit of the entire FreeRTOS community.

AWS also offers the FreeRTOS Extended Maintenance Plan (EMP) that provides you with security patches and critical bug fixes on your chosen FreeRTOS LTS version for up to an additional 10 years. Visit the EMP page on the AWS site for details.

FreeRTOS LTS libraries are also available from partner toolchains. See the blog post.

Note: You can find example projects for the libraries included in this bundle in the primary FreeRTOS download. Refer to the FAQ for details.

Download the previous version: LTS 202210 Libraries

Upgrading to version 202406.xx of FreeRTOS LTS from the previous version

Refer to the Upgrading to FreeRTOS202406-LTS section in the FreeRTOS-LTS repository for information about upgrading from previous version.

LTS Status

The following table lists the libraries that are part of FreeRTOS 202406 LTS. All meet the LTS modularity and Code Quality Checklist requirements other than the kernel and TCP stack, both of which still comply with their original quality requirements.

Last Updated: June 28, 2024
Library Version Maintained at least until
FreeRTOS Kernel 11.1.0 June 30, 2026
FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP 4.2.1 June 30, 2026
coreMQTT 2.3.0 June 30, 2026
coreHTTP 3.1.1 June 30, 2026
corePKCS11 3.6.1 June 30, 2026
coreJSON 3.3.0 June 30, 2026
coreSNTP 1.3.1 June 30, 2026
FreeRTOS-Cellular-Interface 1.4.0 June 30, 2026
backoffAlgorithm 1.4.1 June 30, 2026
AWS IoT SigV4 1.3.0 June 30, 2026
AWS IoT Device Shadow 1.4.1 June 30, 2026
AWS IoT Device Defender 1.4.0 June 30, 2026
AWS IoT Jobs 1.5.1 June 30, 2026
AWS IoT Fleet Provisioning 1.2.1 June 30, 2026
AWS IoT MQTT File Streams 1.1.0 June 30, 2026

For information on library versions for the previous LTS version, see the FreeRTOS 202210.xx-LTS repository on GitHub.

FreeRTOS LTS Patches

For the latest information, subscribe to GitHub Notifications by watching the FreeRTOS LTS repository.

Patch Version Updates Post
202210.01 LTS Includes critical fixes for the coreMQTT (V2.1.1) and FreeRTOS kernel (V10.5.1). Changelog
202012.05 LTS Includes critical fixes for the FreeRTOS kernel (10.4.3-LTS-Patch-3). Release notes
202012.05 LTS Includes security patches for the FreeRTOS kernel (10.4.3-LTS-Patch-3). Security Updates
202012.04 LTS Includes critical bug fixes for the FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP library (2.3.2-LTS-Patch-2). Release notes
202012.03 LTS Includes security patches for the FreeRTOS kernel (10.4.3-LTS-Patch-2). Security Updates
202012.02 LTS Includes security patches for the FreeRTOS kernel (10.4.3-LTS-Patch-1) and TCP libraries (V2.3.2-LTS-Patch-1). Security Updates
202012.01 LTS Added AWS IoT OTA, AWS Device Defender, and AWS IoT Jobs library to 202012.00 LTS Blog Post

LTS Code Quality Checklist

The table below documents the LTS release code quality requirements.

# Category Checks
1 Complexity Score Functions shall have a GNU Complexity score less than 8.
2 Coding Standard Functions shall comply with the MISRA 2012 coding standard.
3 Static Checking Functions shall pass Coverity static checking.
4 APPSEC review and pentest Libraries must pass AWS security review.
5 Code Testing, including memory safety proofs The code shall have extensive unit and function tests, with Gcov reports detailing test coverage, as well as CBMC memory safety proofs.
6 Requirements Documentation Libraries shall have documented requirements, which may include resource, dependency, and porting requirements (as applicable).
7 Design Documentation Libraries shall have design documentation, including application and cloud interface, state machines, and synchronization (as applicable).
8 Compiler Warning The code shall compile with GCC using the -Wall and -Wextra command line options without generating compiler warnings.
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