I ‘ve build the MPLAB port of FreeRTOS v5 and i want use the function trace to visualize how they execute, but I have 2 errors when I set to 1 the trace function to be aviable as #define configUSE_TRACE_FACILITY 1:
Executing: "D:MCC18binmcc18.exe" -p=18F452 /i"D:MCC18h" -I"D:FreeRTOSDemoCommoninclude" -I"D:FreeRTOSSourceinclude" -I"D:Prog MPLABPIC18_MPLAB" "tasks.c" -fo="tasks.o" -DMPLAB_PIC18F_PORT -Ls -Ou- -Ot- -Ob- -Op- -Or- -Od- -Opa- MPLAB C18 v3.16 (demo) Copyright 1999-2005 Microchip Technology Inc. D:FreeRTOSSourcetasks.c:570:Warning [2066] type qualifier mismatch in assignment D:FreeRTOSSourcetasks.c:1342:Warning [2066] type qualifier mismatch in assignment D:FreeRTOSSourcetasks.c:1892:Error [1131] type mismatch in assignment D:FreeRTOSSourcetasks.c:1895:Error [1131] type mismatch in assignment D:FreeRTOSSourcetasks.c:1897:Warning [2066] type qualifier mismatch in assignment Halting build on first failure as requested. BUILD FAILED: Wed Apr 23 14:23:23 2008
The device im using is PIC18F452.
please tell what i am missing ? tnx.
The lines indicated in your error message are either comments or blank in my version. However, I would expect that these warnings are related to pointer casts that are not going to cause a problem to you. You should be able to ignore the warnings.
You might also like to consider using the trace macros: http://www.freertos.org/rtos-trace-macros.html
Dear sir;
Sorry to bother you but please have a closer look at my error message because amongst warning there are 02 error messages [1131] type mismatch in assignment.
The error is located in the file “Task.c” for the following statement in my code:
listGET_OWNER_OF_NEXT_ENTRY( pxFirstTCB, pxList );
C:FreeRTOSV5.0.0FreeRTOSSourcetasks.c:1880:Error [1131] type mismatch in assignment
C:FreeRTOSV5.0.0FreeRTOSSourcetasks.c:1883:Error [1131] type mismatch in assignment
Halting build on first failure as requested. BUILD FAILED: Tue Apr 01 12:18:20 2008
You got these warnings when setting configUSE_TRACE_FACILITY to 1?
These are casting issues that you could fix with a cast, or just ignore. You can tell your compiler to continue in the presence of these warnings and everything should in theory be fine.
To avoid any problem, I have fair try of puts in one configUSE_TRACE_FACILITY of the file (FreeRTOSConfig.h) in examples of the tutorial (rtosdemo1, rtosdemo2, and rtosdemo3) without modification of contents, my unfortunately I accepted the same type of errors.
Concerning the option of compilation: how I configure the compiler to go on in the presence of these Errors?
I am really sorry but I am getting ERROR messages. Indeed I am not getting warnings but error messages as shown underneath:
C:FreeRTOSV5.0.0FreeRTOSSourcetasks.c:1880:Error [1131] type mismatch in assignment
C:FreeRTOSV5.0.0FreeRTOSSourcetasks.c:1883:Error [1131] type mismatch in assignment
Halting build on first failure as requested.
BUILD FAILED: Tue Apr 01 12:18:20 2008
Thanks for your help.
Best regards.
In list.h you will find the macro list_GET_OWNER_OF_NEXT_ENTRY. It is complaining about the last line which is assigning a void * to a tskTCB *, which the compiler should do with no problems, but in this case it seems to be complaining. You can cast the assignment as:
pxTCB = (volatile tskTCB *)( pxConstList )->pxIndex->pvOwner;
to fix this.
The problem has been solved, that is what I wanted,
Thank you for your answer and your help.
Best regards.