following tasks and their priorities:
Task Name Priority
Tmr Svc 4
BTest1 2
QConsB1 2
QProdB4 2
BTest2 1
IntMath 0
QConsB3 0
QConsB6 0
QProdB2 0
QProdB5 0
Reg1 0
Reg2 0
Stats 0
I’ve implemented a statistics task that prints thestatistics gathered every 60 seconds on the serial
console. The system tick is running at an interval
of 1ms, and the stats timer at 100us. After letting the system run for some time we get the
following result:
-------------- RUN TIME STATISTICS ---------------
Task Name 1/10 Ticks Percentage
IDLE 24828 <1%
IntMath 27909887 33%
QProdB2 88840 <1%
QConsB3 94174 <1%
QProdB5 1431541 1%
QConsB6 1447645 1%
Reg1 19473930 23%
Stats 8326 <1%
Reg2 27934058 33%
BTest2 64616 <1%
QConsB1 2738151 3%
QProdB4 2724660 3%
Tmr Svc 2801 <1%
BTest1 56573 <1%
After intuitively replacing “<1%” with 0,5%, we getthe following result:
Task Name 1/10 Ticks Percentage Priority
IntMath 27909887 33,00% 0
Reg2 27934058 33,00% 0
Reg1 19473930 23,00% 0
QConsB1 2738151 3,00% 2
QProdB4 2724660 3,00% 2
QConsB6 1447645 1,00% 0
QProdB5 1431541 1,00% 0
BTest1 56573 0,50% 2
BTest2 64616 0,50% 1
IDLE 24828 0,50% 0
QConsB3 94174 0,50% 0
QProdB2 88840 0,50% 0
Stats 8326 0,50% 0
Tmr Svc 2801 0,50% 4
SUM 84000030 100,50%
The time divided by 10 pretty much adds up to 8400000and the percentage almost adds up to 100% as well. BUT it seems all other tasks are only stealing time
from task “Reg1”. The tasks “Reg2” and “IntMath” seem
to get their fair share of the CPU. Is this a result of an unfairness of the scheduler or
where is this result possibly coming from? Can someone possibly shed some light on this? Regards