I am using freeRTOS v 5.0.2. Target hardware is STR912 comstick.
Earlier I was using uip demo project available on freeRTOS site .
Now I want to use lwip demo project . So that I can send a UDP packet to STR912 in network. And one more thing I want to ask here is can we send UDP packet using uip.
If yes the what things need to be taken care of. Because the socket.c and socket.h files are not a part of uip directory.
These(socket.c and socket.h) files are located in ” DemoCommonethernetlwIP_130srcincludelwip”. And also on google groups i found a reply saying – An lwIP demo is also available upon request .
So how can I get the lwip demo for STR912 . http://groups.google.com/group/osdeve_mirror_rtos_freertos-discussion/browse_frm/month/2007-08?pli=1
- Thanks,