Licencing, special exception
In the licence text is written: “As a special exception, the copyright holders of FreeRTOS give you permission to
link FreeRTOS with independent modules to produce a statically linked executable,…”
My question: Is this exception valid for modified FreeRTOS, too?
Or in other words. Does this exception also cover: “As a special exception, the copyright holders of FreeRTOS give you permission to link FreeRTOS or modified FreeRTOS with independent modules to produce a statically linked executable,…”
I know, I have to put the modified RTOS under GPL and have to publish it.
Regards Alex
Licencing, special exception
Assuming you publish the modifications separately (perhaps by uploading
to the FreeRTOS Interactive site) then I would say the exception applies
to binaries generated by the modified version too.