Crash in uxListRemove on Ameba Board

I saw similar topics but non of them helped me. I am working with Ameba IoT board and Ameba SDK v4.0. I have an application which connects to AWS Cloud using AWS SDK, mbedtls and LwIP. FreeRTOS v8.2 is used. I am seeing errornous addresses in uxListRemove which crashes the system. configAssert is defined. I tried to change configLIBRARYMAXSYSCALLINTERRUPTPRIORITY and it is 1 now. configAssert called for Priority Grouping configASSERT( ( portAIRCRREG & portPRIORITYGROUP_MASK ) <= ulMaxPRIGROUPValue ); In fail case portAIRCRREG & portPRIORITYGROUP_MASK value was 768 ulMaxPRIGROUPValue value was 256 Therefore I called ” NVIC_SetPriorityGrouping( 0 );” and I passed the configAssert() but still crashes in uxListRemove. What problem can be? Any suggestion? Thank you Murat Cakmak

Crash in uxListRemove on Ameba Board

Sounds like you are doing the right things. My first suggestions would be to obtain the latest FreeRTOS code from the public SVN repository on SourceForge: That contains even more asserts that will help with interrupt priority issues – if that is indeed the issue. Do you also have stack overflow detection turned on? If not then please turn that on too: Finally, I’m afraid I don’t know where to start with lwIP as there are lots of options there, but most issues can be traced to the driver code, as that is different in each system so not so well tested. Make sure you are following the lwIP threading requirements. Who created the port to the Ameba board? Please post a link to the board.

Crash in uxListRemove on Ameba Board

Hello there, thank you. Stack overflow is enabled. There can be a stack overflow which masked by hard fault, not sure. Why there is not an internal protection in uxRemoveList? I saw some FreeRTOS modification as a workaround. Can similar modification be applicable to solve the issue instead of fighting with huge amount of different modules (lwIP, mbedtls, our specific user app etc)?

Crash in uxListRemove on Ameba Board

I am asking for FreeRTOS modification because there can be a problem with an specific ISR which set in a library. Generally when I do backtrace for an assertion, root function is an ISR function 1 vAssertCalled (ulLine=389, pcFile=) at ../Boards/AmebaSDK/project/realtekameba1va0example/inc/FreeRTOSConfig.h:221 2 vPortEnterCritical () at ../Boards/AmebaSDK/component/os/freertos/freertosv8.1.2/Source/portable/GCC/ARMCM3/port.c:389 3 xQueueGenericReceive (xQueue=, pvBuffer=pvBuffer@entry=, xTicksToWait=xTicksToWait@entry=10000, xJustPeeking=xJustPeeking@entry=0) at ../Boards/AmebaSDK/component/os/freertos/freertosv8.1.2/Source/queue.c:1219 4 xTaskRemoveFromEventList (pxEventList=pxEventList@entry=) at ../Boards/AmebaSDK/component/os/freertos/freertosv8.1.2/Source/tasks.c:2474 5 xQueueGenericSendFromISR (xQueue=, pvItemToQueue=pvItemToQueue@entry=, pxHigherPriorityTaskWoken=pxHigherPriorityTaskWoken@entry=, xCopyPosition=xCopyPosition@entry=0) at ../Boards/AmebaSDK/component/os/freertos/freertosv8.1.2/Source/queue.c:1152 6 freertosupsemafromisr (sema=) at ../Boards/AmebaSDK/component/os/freertos/freertosservice.c:132 7 rtwupsemafromisr (sema=) at ../Boards/AmebaSDK/component/os/osdep/osdepservice.c:484 8 lextrabusdma_Interrupt (data=) at ../../../component/common/drivers/wlan/realtek/src/osdep/freertos/lxbus_intf.c:118 lextrabusdmaInterrupt is in a library (libwlan.a) and I cannot see the source file and who sets the priority.

Crash in uxListRemove on Ameba Board

I had some concerns about Memory overflow but probably does not have. Because there are two different Memory Internal SRAM and SDRAM. All freertos is in the Internal SRAM. I moved it to SDRAM and still same issue. According to your feedbacks, only reason can be interrupt priorities. I also disable all interrupts using __disableirq() __ from corecm3.h in uxListRemove function but does not solve.

Crash in uxListRemove on Ameba Board

It seems my issue was completely different. It was about conflict between two different timer function which one of them uses FreeRTOS timers and pass wrong values. So, it is completely implementation custom SDK specific.