SAM7S64 with GCC demo?
Does anyone know of a demo + port of the SAM7S64 with GCC? I’m basically seeking the equivalent GCC version of the ARM7_AT91SAM7S64_IAR demo implementation provided in the source tree.
Any help would be appreciated- even tips on converting the IAR project to a GCC make file.
brent picasso
SAM7S64 with GCC demo?
There is a makefile supplied to compile the FreeRTOSReleasesCodeV4.1.3DemolwIP_Demo_Rowley_ARM7 demo using GCC. I suggest first getting the lwIP demo to compile, then strip out the EMAC, USB and lwIP code and you are left with a simple demo that should run on the SAM7S. You might want to change the partest.c file to write to the LEDs on which ever hardware you are using.