XMC4800 Relax Development Board
Is there a port of FreeRTOS+CLI+TCP+FAT existing for any of the Infineon XMC family of micros?
I just purchased this great Infineon XMC4800 Relax (+EtherCAT) Development Board and have successfully built and run the basic FreeRTOS demo using the Infineon DAVE-IDE.
The XMC4000GCCDave basic tasks demo worked a treat and I also got the WebServer running on the XMC4800.
I’d now like to port a build of FreeRTOS PLUS to really make use of the peripherals on this XMC4800 board.
It would be great if there was a build of FreeRTOS+CLI+FAT (or a partial WIP) for one of the XMC family of micros?
Perhaps a kind person could give me some pointers on the best approach for this?
Thank you
XMC4800 Relax Development Board
I’m afraid I’m not aware of anybody using the +FAT and +TCP products on an XMC part.
You can use +FAT without any porting effort if you have enough RAM for a RAM disk. +TCP will however need some effort to stitch it together with the Infineon network drivers. http://www.freertos.org/FreeRTOS-Plus/FreeRTOSPlusTCP/FreeRTOSTCPPorting.html