suspend task

Hello, if have a Problem when i suspend more tasks. I work on IAR, EFM32G290F128. Task1()Priority:3
vTaskSuspend( Task1 );

} Task2()Priority:2
vTaskSuspend( Task2 );

} Task3()Priority:2
vTaskSuspend( Task3 );
… vTaskResume(Task1);

} Task4()Priority:1



} When I goto vTaskSuspend( Task3 ); then it goes no further.

suspend task

When I goto vTaskSuspend( Task3 ); then it goes no further, because Task4 and Task5 are not generated. Why?

suspend task

Ok now I gernerate Task4 und Task5 but now when i goto vTaskSuspend( Task3 ) it stopped

suspend task

This is an immensely complex scenario that I don’t want to work through, but even if I did there is no way I could possibly tell which task would run when without knowing their priorities. Regards.

suspend task

The priorities are:
Task1 ->3
Task2 ->2
Task3 ->2
Task4 ->1
Task5 ->1 Task2 and Task3 are periodic tasks. Tasks2 Periode->100ms, Tasks3 Periode->50ms
Task4 and Task5 will generate and after they are ready they delete themselves.
Task1 ist active when Task2 and Task3 are in blocked state.