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This is a read only archive of threads posted to the FreeRTOS support forum. Use these archive pages to search previous posts. New forum support threads can be started at the FreeRTOS forums.
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Infineon Aurix TC275
Posted by
ignacedanneels on February 25, 2014
I recently obtained the FreeRTOS implementation for the Infineon Aurix TC275 family, but have some questions about the implementation. I seek the people who implemented the QSPI part.
Infineon Aurix TC275
Posted by
rtel on February 25, 2014
That is not an official port or demo so I don’t think you will find what you are looking for here. There is an official tricore port for the tc17xx.
Sorry to not be able to be of more assistance.
Infineon Aurix TC275
Posted by
mathes85 on April 3, 2014
H, Where can I get the port for TC275?
Infineon Aurix TC275
Posted by
rtel on April 3, 2014
I believe Infineon have something themselves.
Infineon Aurix TC275
Posted by
erigualter on October 16, 2014
How did you get the FreeRTOS Implementation for the Infineon Aurix TC275 family?
Could you send me the source?
Thank you,
Infineon Aurix TC275
Posted by
rtel on October 16, 2014
If you do get the source please post it to
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