Cortex-M7 MPU and default regions
I would like to use the MPU on a STM32H743. As I saw in the app notes, the MPU has some default regions, that are active if the MPU is actually turned off.
For example, see page 5:
If I use FreeRTOS MPU port, do I need to re-create these default settings using explicit MPU regions?
Or will this set of defaults always be “in the background”?
best regards
Cortex-M7 MPU and default regions
I don’t know about any chip specifics, but FreeRTOS always sets up the MPU in the same way, as described in the attached.
Cortex-M7 MPU and default regions
It’s not really chip specific..
The default addres map of the STM32H7 is defined in the ARMv7M Architecture Reference Manual:
Chapter B3.1, page 648.
If I’m reading the document correctly, the default map is only active when the MPU is off.
So if I enable the MPU, I suspect I have to explicitly program the RAM cache regions, device memory attributes, etc. ?
The MPU document you have linked above seems to set only the read/write attributes, but not the cache bits (of course it’s written for a Cortex-M3, so that’s ok).
So what about Cortex-M7 chips with more complex MPUs?
Cortex-M7 MPU and default regions
I’m not sure if this addresses / answers your concern/question, but I believe that:
- When the MPU is enabled, if MPU_CTRL[PRIVDEFENA] is set to 1, any access to an address that is not in a defined MPU region acts as though it is going through the default map.
- When the MPU is enabled and MPU_CTRL[PRIVDEFENA] is set to 0, any access to an address that is not in a defined MPU region results in a fault (processor exception)
- If the MPU is not enabled, of course the default map is what’s used.
Cortex-M7 MPU and default regions
Thank you!
That was the missing piece I was looking for!