Internal NOR flash Read Issue in TZ1001

Hello, I am trying code a custom board with TZ1001 toshiba microcontroller in it. I have to store the sensor values connected to TZ1001 in internal NOR flash with time a stamp. I am able to write the vaalues to flash properly, but when i try to read the values from flash then it is giving some random constant value. I am attaching the code, where it starts writing to flash when typed ‘a’ and reads when typed ‘b’. ~~~ void tmp006demotask(void *pvParameters) { i2c_initialize(); char input; uint32_t i;


DriverSDMAC.Initialize(); DriverSDMAC.PowerControl(ARMPOWERFULL);


rtn = drv_info->Initialize(0); rtn = drvinfo->PowerControl(ARMPOWER_FULL);
    input = prompt_console("select");
  if ((input >= 'A') && (input <= 'Z'))
    input = input + ('a' - 'A');
while(1) { if (input == ‘a’) { readtemp(); sramarea[i] = (int)temperature; vTaskDelay(1000);
     rtn = drv_info->WriteData(WRITE_ADDRESS, sram_area, sizeof(sram_area));
     print_sp(PREF "DATA WRITE  rtn=%d  data=0x%02x rn", rtn, *sram_area); 
     print_sp(PREF "MEM VALUE         0x%08xrn", (ptr+=2));

 if (input == 'b')
    rtn = drv_info->ReadData(WRITE_ADDRESS, hts_measurement1 , 1);
   print_sp(PREF "DATA READ       rtn=%d  %d  rn",rtn, hts_measurement1[0]);

} } ~~~ sramarea and htsmeasurement are two array variables of integer data types declared globally. I request someone to help me on this, as i am stuck in this from many days.

Internal NOR flash Read Issue in TZ1001

Is this a FreeRTOS related question?

Internal NOR flash Read Issue in TZ1001

Yes I am coding it in free rtos platform!

Internal NOR flash Read Issue in TZ1001

Please elaborate on the FreeRTOS part of your question so we can assist with that. The NOR flash driver is not part of FreeRTOS.

Internal NOR flash Read Issue in TZ1001

Although it seems that your question is not related to using FreeRTOS, I had a quick look at your code and found that a variable i is being used without initialising it: ~~~ uint32t i; while(1) { … readtemp(); sram_area[i] = (int)temperature; … } ~~~ You will write the contents of sram_area to flash, which is probably also uninitialised.

Internal NOR flash Read Issue in TZ1001

sram_area is a variable that is declared globally as an integer array.