I’m new to C++ and have a problem more to do with compiling than with FreeRTOS. Here goes:
If I define a task:
static void test(void *pvParameters);
and then create a task with:
xTaskCreate( test, ( signed portCHAR * ) “BOBtest”, 1000, NULL, 2, NULL );
It works great as long as the definition of task is in the same file as xTaskCreate call. If “test is defined in a separate file I get
undefined reference error.
Oh yeah, the compiler is GCC
Any help in making me smarter would be appreciated.
Dumb compiling question
Dumb compiling question
Since you are declaring your task function as “static” that name is only available inside that particular translation unit, so if you are defining test in a different file then the corresponing xTaskCreate call, that would be expected.
Dumb compiling question
Thanks much. At this point in my learning curve it takes very little to make me smarter!