As every ones knows the scheduler of FreeRTOS disable all the interrupt till the end of all tasks. The question is: should be some mouthed if any interrupt come brake the scheduler of FreeRTOS and after that return bake to the scheduler?
Thank you very much
As every ones knows the scheduler of FreeRTOS disable all the interrupt till the end of all tasks.No it doesn’t. Some ports never disable all interrupts at all. Regards.
thank you for your answer, that mean : when run the scheduler of FreeRTOS I can do the Interrupt if that true how??
Sorry I cannot give you a clear answer because it is not clear to me what you are asking. What is is you want to do? Which processor are you using? Which compiler are you using?
FreeRTOS uses only one interrupt (usually a timer) to provide a tick signal to FreeRTOS scheduler. It doesn’t care about the rest of interrupts, so they can be used by your application.
How to use them? Look at FreeRTOS function calls ending with ISR i.e. xSemaphoreGiveFromISR
Hope that helps,
I am using ATMega323 from AVR and using GCC software. If you can clear for me: how can do the interrupt (ISR) for Timer/account 2 during run the scheduler of FreeRTOS.
Note: the FreeRTOS using the Timer1.
Thank you for your answer.
Can you not copy how Timer1 is used, and copy the UART example. I think the WinAVR manual and the “how FreeRTOS works” section of the FreeRTOS site provide lots of information specific to the AVR too.