FedC/WizC port updated

Dear group, The first update to the FreeRTOS port for the fedC and wizC compilers is available for download on the FreeRTOS website ( http://www.freertos.org ). Because the update is not included yet in the main FreeRTOS download, a temporary link to the new zipfile is included on the port-specific webpage ( http://www.freertos.org/portwizc.html ). Changes in this update: - Interrupts were enabled before the scheduler started, fixed - ISRcode is pulled inline into Interrupt() to improve performance - When a single interrupt handles several interruptsources, only a single call to vTaskSwitchContext() is now made - The allowed tickrates for the systemtick are increased (the tick can now be as low as 20Hz on a 40MHz MPU) - Several files were changed from a .h extension to .c extension to allow stepping through code using F7 - The installation instructions are changed (improved, I hope) Many thanks to Neil Breeden for being such a patient guinea pig :-) Marcel