FreeRTOS PIC24 demo

Dear Sir/Madam, I am trying to adapt the pic24 FreeRTOS demo to another project (still based on the pic24) I have been able to remove all the demo code successfully except for the crflash.c coroutines. If i comment out the call to vStartFlashCoRoutines( mainNUMFLASHCOROUTINES ) in main i get the following run time error: Target halted due to Software Breakpoint in user code I have tried removing the crflash.c code and setting configUSECOROUTINES to 0 etc…but i then get lots of compile/link errors. My question is what steps do i need to follow in order to completely remove crflash from the project? Thank you so much Best wishes

FreeRTOS PIC24 demo

but i then get lots of compile/link errors
Can only guess unless you post the errors.

FreeRTOS PIC24 demo

Hi Dave With configUSECOROUTINES set to 0 in FreeRTOSConfig.h, i get the following errors: make[1]: Leaving directory ‘C:/Para/MicroChip/Explorer16/FreeRTOSExplorer16/FreeRTOS/Demo/PIC24MPLAB/RTOSExplorer16PIC24.X’ nbproject/ recipe for target ‘.build-impl’ failed build/default/production/ext/1472/main.o(.text+0xe6): In function _vApplicationIdleHook': : undefined reference tovCoRoutineSchedule’ build/default/production/ext/1472/main.o(.text+0xe8): In function _vApplicationIdleHook': : undefined reference tovCoRoutineSchedule’ build/default/production/ext/1163846883/crflash.o(.text+0x1e): In function .L3': : undefined reference toxQueueCRReceive’ build/default/production/ext/1163846883/crflash.o(.text+0x20): In function .L3': : undefined reference toxQueueCRReceive’ build/default/production/ext/1163846883/crflash.o(.text+0x32): In function .L4': : undefined reference toxQueueCRReceive’ build/default/production/ext/1163846883/crflash.o(.text+0x34): In function .L4': : undefined reference toxQueueCRReceive’ build/default/production/ext/1163846883/crflash.o(.text+0x7a): In function .L10': : undefined reference toxQueueCRSend’ build/default/production/ext/1163846883/crflash.o(.text+0x7c): In function .L10': : undefined reference toxQueueCRSend’ build/default/production/ext/1163846883/crflash.o(.text+0x8e): In function .L11': : undefined reference toxQueueCRSend’ build/default/production/ext/1163846883/crflash.o(.text+0x90): In function .L11': : undefined reference toxQueueCRSend’ build/default/production/ext/1163846883/crflash.o(.text+0xb2): In function .L15': : undefined reference tovCoRoutineAddToDelayedList’ build/default/production/ext/1163846883/crflash.o(.text+0xb4): In function .L15': : undefined reference tovCoRoutineAddToDelayedList’ build/default/production/ext/1163846883/crflash.o(.text+0xec): In function .L22': : undefined reference toxCoRoutineCreate’ build/default/production/ext/1163846883/crflash.o(.text+0xee): In function .L22': : undefined reference toxCoRoutineCreate’ build/default/production/ext/1163846883/crflash.o(.text+0xfc): In function .L21': : undefined reference toxCoRoutineCreate’ build/default/production/ext/1163846883/crflash.o(.text+0xfe): In function .L21': : undefined reference toxCoRoutineCreate’ make[2]: *** [dist/default/production/RTOSExplorer16PIC24.X.production.hex] Error 255 make[1]: *** [.build-conf] Error 2 make: *** [.build-impl] Error 2 BUILD FAILED (exit value 2, total time: 4s) Thanks

FreeRTOS PIC24 demo

build/default/production/ext/1472/main.o(.text+0xe6): In function _vApplicationIdleHook’: : undefined reference tovCoRoutineSchedule’
This error tells you vCoRoutineSchedule() is called in the idle hook. As you set configUSECOROUTINES to 0 coroutine code will not be built so vCoRoutineSchedule() is undefined. Just remove the call and the error will be fixed.
Same thing. If configUSECOROUTINES is 0 you cant build files that use coroutines, so dont build crflash.c.

FreeRTOS PIC24 demo

sorry, my mistake, i did comment out the vCoRoutineSchedule() earlier, so that error goes away…when you say don’t build crflash.c… is it just the case of removing the file from the project?…or do i have to modify the makefile or something?

FreeRTOS PIC24 demo

Hi Dave Ok, ive taken out the crflash file from the project, was getting some other errors after that, so did a clean build and all fine now! Thanks for all your help…much appreciated.