How to enter power save?
I would like to enter power save mode after e.g 5 second, when nothing has happend.
How to implement this in smart way?
Nothing has happend does not mean that the system has been in the idle task all the time, only that no key has been pressed, no data arived thru USB and serial port.
regards, Frank
How to enter power save?
You can place the system into sleep mode whenever the idle task runs. This way you do not have to keep a timer to say when the last event occurs. You just have to ensure that the sleep mode used will wake the task when an interrupt occurs (USB, Keyboard, timer interrupt, etc).
Set configUSE_IDLE_HOOK to 1 in FreeRTOSConfig.h, then write the idle hook as:
void vApplicationIdleHook( void )
// Set sleep mode here.
How to enter power save?
Well, I want to be able to control the time elapsed before entering sleep mode.
So how do I ensure that the idle_hook is not running?
regards, Frank
How to enter power save?
Could you use a tick hook? A function that runs each time the context switch occurs. From there you could reset a counter each time a function that is not the idle task runs. Then in the idle task you could check this counter and when it reaches your timeout, it can call sleep function.
How to enter power save?
Yes, but not all task that are made runing by a context switch, means that anything has happend.
If I could somehow reset the counter only when a context switch to a task of certain priority is made, I think it could work.
But is that possible?
regards, Frank.
How to enter power save?
You can do this from a tick hook. The priority of the task that will run at the end of the tick is given by pxCurrentTCB->uxPriority. You can use this to do what you want (I think?).