AVR32 and FreeRTOS

I am using AVR32 (and its lwip/freeRTOS example), when I start a new thread using sys_thread_new with stack size of 1024, it fails to create the thread (I can start it with 512, but it is too small for my application). Anyone knows how to increase the memory pool in AVR32 platform? Thanks!

AVR32 and FreeRTOS

If it is failing to create a thread you are probably running out of the freertos controlled heap, the size of that is set by configTOTAL_HEAP_SIZE in FreeRTOSConfig.h.

AVR32 and FreeRTOS

Doesn’t seem like it, since configTOTAL_HEAP_SIZE is ((size_t)(1024*25), and the max thread count is only 6 due to #define SYS_THREAD_MAX                    6

AVR32 and FreeRTOS

Also, according to the comment, “configTOTAL_HEAP_SIZE is not u sed when heap_3.c is used”

AVR32 and FreeRTOS

If heap_3 is in the project then the total heap size is set by the C library configuration and / or the linker script.