External interrupt at91sam7s256

Hi everyone, I am bit stucked with external interrupts on AT91sam7s-ek. I have spent days on this thingo, I even tried atmels interrupt example which works great on its own, but as soon as I try to use it under FREERTOS it just does nothing at all. I am just wondering if i am missing something or what is the catch? any help will be appreciated thanks Josef

External interrupt at91sam7s256

Are you writing a standard interrupt handler, or one that switches the task context.  If the former then you can write it as per any other ISR, if the latter then you need to follow the example in the uart driver. Does the atmel code vector directly to the ISR?  This is how the FreeRTOS demo needs it to work – although you can configure it differently if you want. Finally – does the atmel example perform any extra hardware setup?  Setting the IO to an input and enabling the interrupt for example.  If this is done from the startup file then it might not be obvious.

External interrupt at91sam7s256

Hi Thanks for your reply, I think I am going mad. I have spent all these days and the problem was in me offcourse! I somehow forgot to initialise or actually create task which initialises all those interrupt thingos. Thanks for your help :-( Josef