emwin with freeRTOS
Hi, guys
i try to use emwin and freeRTOS on my stm32f4 board, but i found something really wired
I found the task include emwin function(like WMExec(),GUITOUCHExec() or GUIDispStringAt()) can not work with any another tasks even its empty task
but when i only run emwin task the system works fine.
i make macro GUIOS is 1 GUIMAXTASKis 5 emwin memory to 64k bytes
freeRTOS heap size from 90k bytes
system heap and stack size to 8k bytes
this is maximum ram i can provide but the system still not works
some one can help me?
emwin with freeRTOS
emwin with freeRTOS
I’m afraid I’m not familiar with emWin so don’t know what resources it is using.
I can only suggest the normal things. Ensuring you are using a recent version of FreeRTOS with configASSERT() defined may help detect something amiss. Otherwise I can only assume that the task running emWin is consuming all the CPU time and not letting anything else run. Have you tried running the emWin task at the lowest priority, or using the trace tool to see what is going on?
emwin with freeRTOS
I try to run emwin task at lowest priority but not work, all i got is system get hardfault at last step of vtaskdelay
emwin with freeRTOS
i found the problem!!!
i did not replace three handlers in startup file just replace handlers like this:
void PendSV_Handler(void)
its too stupid that i thought its same.
emwin with freeRTOS
Hi Jimmy
I do have this same problem ,i couldnt find the PendSV_Handler(); What is this for?
Anyone help me
emwin with freeRTOS
have a look in FreeRTOSConfig.h. PendSV_Handler() might be defined to xPortPendSVHandler() as mentioned here http://www.freertos.org/FAQHelp.html