API documentation lacks FreeRTOS Version context

New to FreeRTOS and at the moment using version 7.3.0 in Atmel Studio/ASF for SAMG (G55J19), I’m interested in such subjects as Event Groups. The API documentation describes this in full. When I try to use the API I find that there’s no support code for this feature. Further search seems to show that Event Groups appear in the version 8.0 release. It would be extremely helpful if each API feature described in the documentation (I’m using online) also show the version/s at and above which the feature applies.

API documentation lacks FreeRTOS Version context

The ‘upgrading to V8’ and ‘upgrading to V9’ shortcuts (URLs) in the main FreeRTOS distribution may help, somewhat: https://sourceforge.net/p/freertos/code/HEAD/tree/trunk/

API documentation lacks FreeRTOS Version context

If I had the option to upgrade, I would. Not sure this is a reasonable solution to my question concerning the documentation. Perhaps it’s not trivial to put something like “Available in Version 8.0 and above” in the doc pages for applicable features, but it would be nice.