Licensing and portmacro.h

Hi, Sorry for the silly question but are the macros in portmacro.h part of the API as far as the licensing GPL-exceptions are concerned? I need to yield to a higher priority task after sending to a queue in an ISR. The example in xQueueSendFromISR () uses taskYIELD_FROM_ISR () but notes it’s port-specific. In the NIOS II port the correct macro seems to be portEND_SWITCHING_ISR () – but that’s not part of the published API as far as I can tell. Though, as far as I can tell, neither was taskYIELD_FROM_ISR() … Thanks,

Licensing and portmacro.h

There is a lot of inconsistency in the naming of the macro that performs that particular piece of functionality between the various ports.  Please consider both to be part of the API – its not a problem. Regards.

Licensing and portmacro.h

Thanks for the clarification. I appreciate it! Darren.