is there an ARM 7 compatible implementation available.
My MCU is a TI UCD3138, digital power Controller, having a ARM7 core wich runs in ‘Thumb’ mode.
I only Need Semaphors, maybe Queues.
Thanks for helping.
With best regards
There are lots of ARM7 ports for various different compilers, but unlike the Cortex-M ports each one is different because each has a different interrupt controller and a different peripheral to generate the tick.
Look in the FreeRTOS/source/portable/[compiler] directory for whichever [compiler] you are using to see the chip specific ports. You can use one of those as a starting point but will have to update the prvSetupTimerInterrupt() function within port.c to use a peripheral available on your chip, and of course handle interrupts in a way that is appropriate for your hardware.